deer animal images Interesting Information About Deer
deer animal images Interesting Information About Deer
deer animal images
Interesting Information About Deer
Deer are a mammalian organism, which is found in almost all parts of the world. It is a beautiful creature with big eyes, beautiful skin and branch like horns.
1. Deer are found in every region of the world except Antarctica.
2. Around 60 species of deer have been found all over the world.
3. Deer can be very small in size and also very large. Their height can range from 12 inches to 7 feet depending on the species.
4. The lowest height of deer is found in a species called Pudu, it is only 12-17 inches high and weighs only around 9 kg.
5. The smallest deer species in India is called "mouse deer". Recently it was seen in Chhattisgarh before it was seen in 1905 by a foreign citizen.
6. Mouse deer is a very shy species and is barely 15 inches in length. It is also known as Indian Chervotain.
7. While talking about the largest deer species, this species is called moose, its height can be 6.5 feet and can weigh up to 820 kg.
8. Earlier the largest deer species was Irish which went extinct 11,000 years ago. Its shoulder height was 7 feet and the antlers used to be 12 feet.
9. Only one species of deer lives in Africa - red deer.
10. New antlers grow every year on the head of a male deer.
11. Antler is the fastest growing tissue in the world.
12. The gestation time of deer varies by size. Generally, the larger the species, the longer the duration.
13. Deer start walking within half an hour of their birth.
14. Most deer are born with white spots but within a year these stains are gone.
15. Young deer usually live with their mother for about a year.
16. What does a deer eat? Deer are herbivores, they only eat vegetation. A deer's diet includes grasses, small shrubs and leaves.
17. All species of deer have four chambers in their stomach, which helps them to ruminate. It is partly a process of chewing food, it is easy to chew and chew again which makes it easier to digest.
18. Deer are also very good swimmers and they also use water streams and rivers to get away.
19. Deer speed can be up to 50 kmph.
20. They can leap up to about 30 feet.
21. Their jumping height can be up to 10 feet.
22. Deer lifespan can range from 10 to 25 years on average.
23. Hearing ability of deer is much better than us humans, they can easily detect the source of sound. It is believed that their ears are very sensitive, they can easily detect how far the sound is coming from.
24. Deer eyes are located on the side of his head. The advantage of this is that deer are able to see 310 degrees around themselves.
25. Their eyes are very big and very beautiful to see.
26. There is also a loss of texture of such eyes, these two eyes are not able to focus on one place.
27. Another special feature of deer eyes is that they are color-blind and do not see red and green. Yes they can see blue color and ultraviolet rays.
28. Deer smelling ability is 100 times more than humans.
29. Deer are the prey of many wild animals around the world, including wolves, pumas, jaguars, tigers, bears and sometimes foxes. They are also hunted by humans.
30. In winter, deer are less active so that energy can be saved because food is less available during this time.
31. Deer try to position themselves in a north and south direction with the Earth's magnetic field while resting.
32. Male deer species of red deer make different types of sound to attract the female.
33. The newborn baby of deer has no smell, so these predators survive from animals.
34. Deer also determine their area and look for food in the same area, their area can be spread up to 30 miles.
35. Deer are social animals, they like to live by the herd and the flock is often headed by a male.
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