bear animal picture and Facts About bear animal
bear animal picture and Facts About bear animal
bear animal picture
bear animal picture
Bear is an omnivorous animal divided into eight species, most of the species are on the verge of extinction. Let us tell you interesting facts related to bears today.
Facts About bear animal
01 Bears are exceptionally intelligent animals. He has better navigation skills, better memory than humans, bigger brain to body ratio.
02. Bear expresses deep condolences to others. Cubs have been known to cry when separated from their mothers. It can last for weeks if their mothers are killed by hunters.
03. Bear has excellent senses of smell, sight and hearing. They can smell food, cubs, predators from miles away. His great vision finds out when the fruits are ripe.
04. Some species of Asian bears build nests in trees. They can also be used for hiding, eating and sleeping.
05. Bear takes deep care of family members. They would risk their lives and even fight to the death to save a cub or from danger.
Bears were often revered in cultures of many early civilizations. He was seen as a symbol of power, strength and love.
07. The Vikings and Celts have many legends about the strength, safety and skills of bears.
08. Bear is a common national identity for Russia (and former USSR) and Germany. The brown bear is the national animal of Finland.
09. The bears mostly eat meat and fish but some bears also eat plants and insects.
10. Canada is home to more than 60 percent of the world's polar bears.
11. Asian black bear ears are larger than other species.
12. Despite being large and overweight, bears can run very fast. Black bears can run at a speed of 35 km / h.
13. The character of Jungle Book Balu is a sloth bear.
14. There are about 4000 Alaskan brown bears in Katmai National Park.
15. Most bears have 42 teeth.
16. Grizzly bears recognize other bears in the face. About 98 percent of US grizzly bears live in Alaska.
17. About 6 lakh black bears live in North America. Bears also specialize in climbing and swimming.
18. The weight of the heaviest polar bear was estimated at 1002 kg.
19. The Governor of Moscow trained a big bear to serve vodka to his guests.
20. Polar Bear mainly likes to eat seal fish.
21. Sun Bear's fur is shortest so as to keep yourself cool in hot forests.
22. At present, only eight species of bears are alive.
23. A group of bears is called a sloth.
24. The bears have a big brain and they are called intelligent mammals.
25. Bears like sleeping more in winter.
26. A polar bear can swim at a speed of 100 mph without resting.
27. A bear resembling a bear named Koala is not a bear.
28. Brown bear is the national animal of Finland.
29. Asian bears make their den on trees.
30. Like other mammals, bears also recognize colors.
31. The polar bear is the largest predator living on Earth. The polar bear is the only bear species that lives in water mammals.
32. Speckled bear is the only wild bear that lives in South America.
33. The license plates of the Canadian Northwest area are polar bears.
34. Bears do not urinate during hibernate.
35. The bears walk for many miles only to get their backs scratched from their favorite trees.
36. Brown bear is the official state animal of California.
37. Brown bears bite with the power of 8 million pascals, which is enough to chew up to a cricket ball.
38. Male bear is called Boar and female bear is called Sow.
39. A swimmer polar bear can jump 8 feet (2.4 m) below the water to surprise a seal.
40. Teddy Bear was named after US President Teddy Roosevelt.
41. A brown bear spends 20 thousand calories per day.
42. The smell of bears is better than dogs.
43. The largest mammal carnivore that ever lived on land was the giant short-faced bear. This bear was 6 '5 "tall, twice the size of a modern bear. Scientists believe its legs were too long and chased a deer on the North American prairie. He died about 12,000 years ago.
44. The most accurate way to determine the age of a bear is to count Rings with a microscope in a cross section of its tooth root.
45. Bear has two layers of fur. A small layer of fur keeps the bear warm. And a long layer keeps the water away from the skin.
46. Bears live for 30 years in the forest while a brown bear lives in captivity till the age of 47. A bear can run twice as fast as humans
48. Only polar bear is a true carnivore. All other bears are omnivores or animals that eat both plants and meat.
49. Sun Bear has the longest claws of any bear. They also have the longest tongue, which can reach 9.8 ”in length.
50. The normal heartbeat of a bear is 40 beats per minute. A hibernating bear's heart rate drops to 8 bpm.
51. Black bears are not always black. They come in a rainbow of colors from black to reddish brown to light gray to white.
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