diamond images hd Interesting facts about diamonds
diamond images hd Interesting facts about diamonds
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Interesting facts about diamonds
Apart from the clear white that most people are familiar with, diamonds actually come in colors such as pink, blue, purple, red, orange or any other color you can think of. The colors are caused by small amounts of impurities in the stone. These are extremely valuable and have been named "fancy" diamonds.
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1. The largest diamond ever found floating in space. It is named "Lucy" in reference to the Beatles song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".
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2. The clear white that most people are familiar with, diamonds actually come in colors such as pink, blue, purple, red, orange or any other color you can think of. The colors are caused by small amounts of impurities in the stone. These are extremely valuable and have been named "fancy" diamonds.
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3. If you are looking for an investment that will appreciate in value, then diamonds are definitely not the best option. The price of diamonds is artificially controlled by large diamond companies; It remains relatively constant at all times. You buy diamonds in retail and sell at wholesale prices, so there is no chance of selling it at a higher price.
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4. India discovered diamonds at least 2400 years ago, being the first commercial producer of diamonds. The country dominated commercial diamond production until South American discoveries in the 1730s. Prior to the 18th century, most diamonds were found in India.
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5. Archduke Maximilian of Austria was the first to propose with a diamond ring. He proposed to Mary of Burgundy in 1477 with a ring.
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6. We have always been told that diamond is the hardest material on earth, but physicists Natalia Dubrovincia and colleagues compressed carbon fullerene molecules and heated them at the same time to form a chain called Agrigate Diamond Nanorods , Which is 11% harder than diamond. . However it is naturally the hardest mineral on the planet yet known.
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