50 Amazing Facts about Animals | 50 fun facts about animals

 50 Amazing Facts about Animals | 50 fun facts about animals

1. Giraffe, the largest animal on earth, is the animal that sleeps the least in 24 hours, which sleeps only for 30 minutes to 1 hour, while Koala is the animal that sleeps the longest, which spends 20-22 hours every day just sleeping.

2. Pacu fish is a species of fish whose teeth look exactly like a human.

3. A lion never eats grass, even if it has to die of hunger. Many people must have heard this saying, because lions are completely carnivorous, due to which their stomach does not have the ability to digest grass, but whenever there is a burning sensation in their stomach or they are unable to digest any food, they eat grass, due to which they vomit and the undigested food comes out and their stomach is cleaned. Animals like dogs and cats also do the same thing.

4. Cats are the only mammals that cannot taste sweet because they do not have Sweet Taste Receptors.

5. Firehawks are such birds that set fire in the forest. If they see a little fire anywhere in the forest, they spread that fire with the help of dry wood and due to the fire, small creatures come out of their burrows and these birds hunt them.

50 Amazing Facts about Animals | 50 Interesting Facts about Animals

6. Egyptian plover is a species of small birds that are considered to be the friend of the dangerous crocodile because this bird goes inside the open mouth of the crocodile and eats the meat stuck in its teeth, which gives it food to its stomach and even the crocodiles do not do anything to them because their teeth are also cleaned.

7. Goliath birdeater is the largest spider in the species of spiders which grows up to 12 inches and due to being so big, they can hunt small birds, which is why they have been given such a name. But the good news is that these spiders are not poisonous.

8. Herbivorous animals drink water with their mouths while carnivorous animals drink water with the help of their tongues.

9. Everyone knows that the cut tail of a lizard grows back and taking advantage of this, the lizard intentionally cuts its tail to confuse its predator, due to which its cut tail keeps moving, seeing which the predator gets confused and the lizard gets time to run away.

10. Cockroaches are such creatures that even after cutting off their heads, they can remain alive for several weeks because there are small holes in their body from where they breathe. Even after weeks, they die not because of the head being cut off but because of hunger and thirst.

11. Saltwater Crocodile has the highest Bite Force among animals which is 3700 PSI whereas the average Bite Force of humans is only 120-160 PSI.

12. Blobfish is a species of fish found in the depths of the sea which rarely swims. These fish look very strange and are also called the ugliest fish.

50 Amazing Facts about Animals

13. Boto is a rare species of pink dolphin found in the Amazon River. These dolphins are very intelligent and their brain capacity is 40% more than that of humans.

14. Elephant is the only animal on earth that cannot jump.

15. Polar Bears spend almost half of their lives hunting because their hunting is successful very rarely. Polar Bears are able to catch their prey on an average of only 2 times out of 100.

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16. Sea Otters sleep holding each other's hands while sleeping and they do this so that they do not drift away from each other while sleeping in the flow of water.

17. Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus) loves water very much and they spend most of their time in water, despite this Hippos do not know how to swim. Hippos can hold their breath for some time inside the water and they cross the river by walking inside the water.

18. Barreleye is such a fish whose head is completely transparent, due to which we can also see the brain and nerves present inside their head.

50 Amazing Facts about Animals | 50 fun facts about animals

19. Asian palm civet is such an animal whose feces are used to make Kopi luwak coffee, one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Actually, first raw coffee beans are given to the civet to eat and when it excretes those beans, it is cleaned and Kopi luwak coffee is prepared.

20. The powerful animal gorilla may not be afraid of any other animal in the forest, but water is one thing that gorillas are very afraid of, that is why they hide in a cave during the rain. Due to this fear, gorillas do not even drink water and fulfill the lack of water in the body by eating plants or fruits.

21. Snakes and anacondas swallow their prey alive and take several days to digest it. Due to the powerful acid present in their stomach, they can digest even the bones of the prey but they cannot digest the hair/feathers, nails and horns of the prey because they are made of Keratin. That is why snakes throw these parts out by vomiting.

22. Argali is a species of wild sheep which has very large curved horns which protect them from predators but sometimes they eat them.

23. Hummingbird is the only species of bird that can fly backwards.

24. Dolphins have around 100-200 teeth but still they eat their prey by swallowing it rather than chewing it.

25. You must have seen people feeding milk to snakes on Nag Panchami but the digestive system of snakes cannot digest milk which can even lead to their death, but when snakes are kept thirsty for many days, they are forced to drink milk to keep their body hydrated.

26. Many people want to keep animals like lion and leopard but due to their aggressive nature they are not able to do so, but scientists have created a breed called Savannah cat by cross breeding a pet cat and Africa's Serval Cat whose mouth is like a cat and body is like a leopard and it can also be domesticated.

27. After doing a lot of research on the remains of dinosaurs, a lot of information has been found out about dinosaurs, but what was their color, it is still not known.

28. Crows are birds found everywhere, due to which everyone knows about them, which are black in color, but very few people would know that white crows are also found. Actually, white crows are not a different species but belong to the same species as the rest of the crows, but due to a disease called Albinism, their color becomes white and the possibility of this condition is 1 crow in 30,000 crows.

29. Cheese made from donkey milk is the most expensive cheese in the world, which costs up to 80,000 / kilogram.

30. Greenland shark is a species of shark found in the very depths of the sea and is considered to be the longest living creature on earth. These sharks can live for 300-500 years and it is believed that this species is from the time of dinosaurs.

31. Baboon is an intelligent species of monkeys that steals lion cubs when they find them alone and kills them by throwing them from a height, because they know that they will hunt them when they grow up.

32. Killer whales are not of the whale species but of the dolphin species.

33. Mystery snails are such creatures that even if their eyes are removed, their new eyes grow back after some time.

34. Frogs always close their eyes while swallowing food because to swallow food, pressure is also required on the eye muscles of the frog, so it cannot swallow food by keeping its eyes open.

35. Alpine Swift is such a bird that can fly in the air for the longest time, these birds can fly in the air for 6 months continuously without landing on the ground and they complete their sleep by sleeping in the air while flying.

36. Skinks are such creatures that can see even after closing their eyes.

37. Sloths are the laziest animals in the world, they move very slowly and their digestive system is also very slow, that is why it takes them 2 weeks to digest their food.

38. Planarian worms are such creatures that even if they are cut into many pieces, a new Planarian is born from each of their pieces and the old memories also come back in every newly born Planarian.

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39. Pufferfish is one of the most poisonous fishes whose poison can even kill a human being but this poison acts like alcohol for dolphins and dolphins eat pufferfish to get intoxicated.

40. Seahorse is the only species in which it is not the female who gets pregnant but the male gets pregnant and gives birth to children.

41. Lungfish is the only species of fish that has both gills and lungs. With the help of gills, they breathe in water while with the help of lungs, they can breathe outside the water as well.

42. Pseudoliparis snailfish is the creature that lives at the deepest depth in the sea and 8,336 meters is the highest recorded depth till date.

43. Scientists estimate that there are 8.7 million species of organisms on Earth, out of which 6.5 million are present on land while 2.2 million are present in the sea, but till date only 1.2 million species of organisms have been found and 7.5 species of organisms are yet to be discovered.

44. The caterpillars of the Southern flannel species of moth are hairy and their hair looks like former US President Donald Trump, that is why they have been named Trumpillar.

45. Earthworms have no gender, both male and female reproductive organs are present in them.

46. Whenever the baby squirrels get separated from their family, other squirrels adopt that child.

47. Lions are the only cat species that live in groups because where lions live, there are also big animals like wild buffalo and elephants, which are difficult to hunt by a single lion and groups of hyenas cause trouble to single lions, due to which lions learned to live in groups.

48. Horned Dung Beetle is the most powerful insect species found on earth, which can lift 1140 times more weight than its body.

50 Amazing Facts about Animals

49. Whales and Dolhpins cannot stay in water for long like other fishes, they have to come above the water from time to time to breathe and they are able to breathe with the help of the blowhole present on them.

50. Wood Frogs are a species of frogs found in Alaska that freeze themselves in ice to save themselves from the cold, during which they stop breathing, their heart stops beating and they are unable to even move, but after remaining frozen in ice for 6-8 months, when the ice melts in the summer, they become alive again.

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