14 amazing knowledge and photos about Flamingo

 amazing knowledge and photos about Flamingo


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1. Flamingos are a type of wading bird that live in areas of large shallow lakes, lagoons, mangrove swamps, tidal flats and sandy islands.

2. The word "flamingo" comes from the Spanish word "flamenco", which comes from the earlier Latin word "flamma" which means flame or fire.

  3. There are six species of flamingos in the world. Two are found in the Old World and four species live in the New World - America.

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4. The most widespread flamingo is found in Greater Flamingo, Africa, Southern Europe and regions of South, Southwest Asia. Les Flamingo is the highest and lives in the Great Rift Valley of Africa through northwest India.

5. Four species in the New World include the Chilean flamingo, the Andean flamingo found in temperate South American regions, and James's flamingo found in the high Andes mountains in Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina, and include the Caribbean islands, Belize, and the American flamingo Huh.

6. Greater flamingo is the largest species, having a length of up to 1.5 m (5 ft) and weighing up to 3.5 kg (8 lb). The Les Flamingo is just 90 centimeters (3 ft) long, weighing 2.5 kg (5.5 lb).

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7. Wild flamingos live in captivity of 20 - 30 years and sometimes more than 50 years.

8. Flamingos can have longer legs than their entire body. The "knee" tilted towards the back of a flamingo's foot is actually his ankle, the leg forward from the knee.

9. Often the flamingos will stand on one leg, with the other tuck under the body. It is not fully understood why they do this but it is believed that it conserves body heat.

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10. Flamingo is a filter-feeder, keeping its curved beak upside down in water, dipping it in the mud water and pulling the sludge out and out of the armpit, while a short hair-like beak with a lamella strainer Which is extracted from water.

11. The color of a flamingo's wings comes from carotenoids (a pigment that also makes carrots orange) in their diet of plankton, salty shrimp, and blue-green algae, from pink to red.

12. Flamingos are social birds, they sometimes live in colonies of thousands, so it is better to avoid predators, maximize food intake, and nesting.

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13. Flamingos colonies split into breeding groups of 50 birds, who then perform a balanced ritual 'dance', under which they stand together and pull their necks upward, call their heads waving and then Flap their wings.

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14. Flamingo is the national bird of the Bahamas.

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