11 beautiful horses pictures wallpapers

11 beautiful horses pictures wallpapers












The horse is considered the most loyal animal out of all animals because the horse has been a friend of humans ever since humans started dwelling on the earth. In ancient times horse was most commonly used in battlefield. Horses are also used in the 21st century, but their use has been limited and at present they are often seen on racing tracks, in the army or at weddings. Let us tell you interesting facts related to the horse.

20 fact in Horse

1. Horse starts running only after few hours of its birth.

2. You can also identify a male and female horse based on the number of their teeth because the male horse has 40 teeth and the female horse has 36 teeth.

3. Horse cracks are made from the same protein that makes a person's nails and hair.

4. In many places the horse is short and it is called a pony.

5. The horse has long hair on its neck and tail hangs to tufted hooves while many also shorten it.

6. Horses can sleep in both the postures while standing and sitting.

7. The backside of the horse is such that the rider has no discomfort in sitting. Its body is curvy and strong.

8. The maximum measured speed of a horse is 88 km per hour while on an average they can run at a speed of 44 km per hour.

9. Horses express their feelings with the help of their ears, eyes and nostrils. They express their feelings even with face expressions.

10. The average age of a horse is 30-40 years.

11. The estimated number of horses in the world will be 58 million, most of which are under the supervision of humans.

12. Horse does not vomit.

13. Horses are used in all types of rides. In earlier times, legs were used as a riding vehicle on a large scale.

14. Horses can see better than humans at night. However, it takes longer than humans to adjust a horse's eye to light in the dark.

15. Horses like sweet aroma and they reject bitter things.

16. The horse is a very loyal animal, many times it has protected the owner by giving his life.

17. Horse has been used in India since ancient times. The description of Ashmwegh Yajna has come in the old scriptures. Horse hospitals have been running since ancient times.

18. In India, at the time of marriage, there is an ancient custom of putting the groom on the horse to the bride's house, so horses are still seen on marriage occasions in the cities.

19. You know that the first book on the horse was written in the Mahabharata period, which is called "Shalihotra".

20. The horse's eye is on his head in such a way that he can see up to 360 degrees.

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