10 beautiful cat pictures images

10 beautiful cat pictures images

1.beautiful cat pictures

2.beautiful cat pictures

3.beautiful cat pictures

4.beautiful cat pictures

5.beautiful cat pictures

6.beautiful cat pictures

7.beautiful cat pictures

8.beautiful cat pictures

9.beautiful cat pictures

10.beautiful cat pictures

The cat is often seen around us. She has been a human companion for almost 9500 years. Where there are humans, there are cats. It can also be called a social animal. If we talk about the most popular pet in the world, then the name of the cat comes first.

16 fact in cat

1. Cat is the most reared animal in the world.

2. Cats generally have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

3. Cats reared in the home have a longer lifespan than other cats.

4. There are 12-12 hairs on the right and left mustache of the cat.

5. The brain of the cat matches up to 90% of the brain of humans.

6. Cat DNA corresponds to 95% of tiger DNA.

7. The cat sleeps for about 16 hours throughout the day. In this way, she spends two-thirds of her day and 70% of her life sleeping.

8. Cats have closer vision compared to distant vision. His night vision is also very sharp.

9. There are 230 bones in the body of cats, whereas humans have 208 bones in their body.

10. The ability to smell cat is 14 times faster than humans.

11. The cat has four paws in its back legs, while the front legs have five.

12. An adult cat has 30 teeth.

13. Due to the flexible muscles of dogs, the cat can rotate its ears up to 180 degrees.

14. Cats can move both their ears in different directions simultaneously.

15. The hearing power of the cat is very strong. She can hear sounds up to 64 Khz.

16. The cat can run at a speed of 30 mph.

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